Thursday, April 11, 2013

March 11th, 2013 - Peppers and Eggplants

I can’t remember where I started my peppers last year, but the germination rate was great. This year I kept them in the dining room at 70 degrees for about 5-6 days, but I started to get antsy that nothing was happening, so I moved them on top of the radiator in the dining room. It certainly get’s warmer, but it fluctuates when the radiator comes on and off, so I’m not sure if I’m helping or hurting.
After a few days on the radiator, two of the Carolina wonders sprouted, and one of the numex is just barely sprotuing, but the rest are not doing much of anything. After looking closely on the bakers creek pages, it says that the peppers and eggplants benifit from light when germinating, something I don’t think I knew. About 2 days ago I dug up each cell to find at least 1 or 2 seeds in the mix, and moved it to the surface of the planting mix. A few of the pepper varieties had just begun to germinate, so hopefully they are close. For good measure, I added two new seeds to each cell. I’m keeping the plastic cap on to keep everything moist, so we’ll see. I’m 90% sure I am just being way too antsy and if I just let it go for a little longer, everything would have come up on its own. But what can I say. Now I have seeds everywhere (on the surface, under the surface, etc), so unless the radiator is doing more harm than good, I should be OK.

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