Thursday, April 11, 2013

April 9th, 2013 - Sowed spinach, peas, kale. Set out more onions. Upgraded drip system in flower bed

Spent a few hours last night in the garden.
I sowed spinach in bed two. One long row closest to bed 1, and one half row, where the lettuce died. I was pretty generous with the seed, hoping that I can get some baby spinach before it bolts. We’ll see.
I scratched up some soil in between each of the “hurting” kale transplants, and sowed a few seeds here and there. It will hopefully act as my backup crop, if the transplants die.
I hoed and raked up the patch by the house, where the watermelon and spaghetti squash are going to go, and sowed all of the snap peas from Craig. I really wasn’t going to do them, but I figure it can’t hurt. I can always rip them up when the melons and squash is ready to go in. I can use the pea shoots, and I maybe I’ll get peas.
I raked up the right side of the herb garden, and planted the last of the onion sets there (and some in bed 3, where the zucchini is going to go). I left room for the basil to go in between the onion rows.
Lastly, I worked on the drip system. I added sprinklers and dippers to the flower bed, and took up most of the drip line. It seems like two sprinklers might be enough for that whole bed which is kinda cool.
I also added two sprinklers to the bed touching the house. I might need a third, but we’ll see. I also removed the drip line from this bed.


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