Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The smallest ripe cantaloupe you have ever seen...

Just like the butternut and acorn squash vines, the cantaloupe vines were looking rather strained.  I thought they could go longer, but when I felt the fruit, the undersides felt kind of soft.   I figured it was time to pick them and see if they were ripe.   

They were:

However, once seeded, the amount of flesh inside was probably no more than 4 tablespoons.  Four delicious , juicy, ripe tablespoons.   Emily and I split our bounty and then back into the compost they went.

Not sure what I could have done to make them bigger.  More nutrients?  More sun? (most likely), planting them earlier in the season?  Who knows.  It was fun experiment though.

I wrote about this earlier, but here is a picture of our two harvested acorn squash.  Unlike the cantaloupe, they are the same size as the ones you see at the store.

Lastly, here is what is left of the onions.   Working our way though them slowly.   I have not bought an onion or garlic in over 3 months at this point. That is pretty cool!

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