Thursday, September 13, 2012

The mystery melon will forever remain a mystery

While getting the collard bed ready for the cover crops, I sent my hoe right through the mystery melon vine.  Funny how quickly and accidentally I can end the lifespan of a plant that was growing slowly for months.  I took the melon inside, and Emily and I cut it open to see what it was.   We could finally get to solve the mystery.         

As I cut down I was sure I would be cutting into a watermelon, but as you can see from the picture below, I was wrong!  Green on the outside, white flesh, and orange core.  It kind of tasted like a cross between an  cantaloupe and a cucumber.    We decided that an unripe cantaloupe is the most likely answer from our limited knowledge of such things, but neither one of us would put any money on it.   I sure wish I could have let this thing grow more.

Anyway, the whole thing was pretty fun.  Into the composter he went.  

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