Monday, August 13, 2012

Wrapping up

An updated shot of the Basil, Marigolds, Dill, and Cilantro.   The marigolds are ready to transplant at this point.  I transplanted some of the basil already, and the rest of it is not far behind.   The Dill and the Cilantro failed miserably.  I have one tiny cilantro plant, and 2 dill plants, both of which look very weak.   I'm hoping it was because I had to revert to some really old seed.  It might also be a result of mid-summer heat.  

Lastly, here is the shot I forgot to take last time.  Those are the sweet potato vines and leaves.   I cut the vines that shoot out into the paths. Everything that stays in the raised bed gets to live :).  Amazingly, ALL of those leaves fit into that salad bowl.  It was heaping over, but I got them all in.   I'm pretty sure you can eat the vines as well, but I'm not there yet.
A close up of the cool heart shaped leaves:

After blanching all of the leaves, I used half and made a shrimp stir fry for 4, and froze the other half.  I probably said this last post, but they have been such a nice surprise.  The stir fry was delicious.      

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