Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mid-week update

Once again I have not had time to take many pictures, but here are the updates:

There are 2 or 3 acorn squashes growing now, with the biggest one the size of a softball already.  There are maybe 7-10 different butternut squashes growing at this point.  Looking good.  As for the summer squash, I actually have not looked recently, but still no fruit from what I can tell.  It really doesn't get much sun at all, so we will see if we get anything out of it.  The cucumbers are definitely starting to come. Have picked 3 so far, and there are lots of little ones.  Lastly, I have a new hunch for the mystery plant.  I think that it is a watermelon or a cantaloupe.  I think the tiny little fruits have stripes.

The anaheims are doing fantastic.  Some are as hot as a jalapeno, and others are only mildly hot.  Each plant has between 1-6 peppers on it at this point.   There are at least 20 out there and we have used at least 4 or 5.  The poblanos are also doing well.  Not as prolific as the Anaheim, but there are maybe 10 out there currently.  The skins are still thin, but they are tasty and we have used a couple so far.  There are 3 jalepenos on the one plant, and one picante chili on that plant.   The picante chili looks a lot like the Anaheim, so I'm curious as to how it turns out.  

The mortgage lifter plant has ripened another 5 big tomatoes that we are in the process of eating now.   Still very good, but they are splitting and they have lesions on them.  The super 100 cherry tomato plant is essentially done.  There are a few left, but it should get pulled soon.   The better boy and the patio plants are also basically done.   There are a few green ones on the better boy, but they don't look that great.

The collards are holding on.   I don't think they have gotten much worse, so maybe the garlic/neem spray worked.   I'll have to look more closely this week and record what I see in more detail.

Bush Beans
The first few plants in the second bean patch have beans finally.  Should be less than a week until we start getting beans again.  

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