Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly update - August 10th, 2012

I have not had enough time to take many pictures this past week, but I wanted to log what has been going on before I forgot it.  

Bush Beans
I sowed another round of Bush beans in the new patch.  About 6 more plants. I'm not sure if I mentioned this  already, but I am sowing the seeds differently than I did last time around.   In the original bean patch, I spaced the first planting out evenly over the whole patch.  A few weeks later I planted the next batch in the spots that were bare.  I did the same thing for another one or two plantings until the patch was full.   We had ton's of beans, but I realized that the beans sowed towards the end never really matured.  They were too shaded by the established plants.  
This time around, I'm planting them in thick rows.  I sowed one and a half rows on the first planting.  Another one and a half on the second planting, and then another 1 on this last planting.  I think there are about 18-20 plants now, and room for another 4-6.  I'm think this makes more sense, but only time will tell.  

Pole Beans
So about 1-2 weeks ago I started to notice the Dean's Purple beans were starting to come in on the string in the front of the house.   Unfortunately, all of the beans are about 10 feet high!.   So between the height, and the fact that plant is mostly sick and dying anyway, I'll gonna throw in the towel and say that beans in the front this year were not a success.   Maybe I'll stick to flowers in that spot next year.   I still have more pole bean seeds -- I just have not found the time or the place to plant  them.  The one Selma Zesta that did make  it in the front is producing beans now.   They actually taste really nice.  On the one plant, I have picked about 20 beans so far, mostly in the morning as I leave for work.

Wednesday night I transplanted 5 of the 8 basil seedlings that were ready into the herb garden.   I have been  saving a spot for this planting for a while, so hopefully the do as well as the first batch.  The spring basil is all doing very well.  We made one batch of pesto already.  Definitely time for a second batch.

Onion bed
Also on Wednesday night (and I really do mean night.  I was out there until 11:30 with a head lamp), I pulled all of the weeds that enveloped the onion bed within the herb garden.   I put down some leaf compost and raked it into the soil.   Now we just have to figure out what to plant there.  It gets a lot of shade, but some sun, so I might try some lettuce and some cherry belle radishes.

Winter Squash/Cucumber
I had one butternut squash plant and one cucumber plant wilt away and die this past week.  I am not sure if these two things are related, or if either is related to the Summer squash that was eaten by vine borers.  I checked all of the stems on the butternut and acorn squash plants, and even the cucumbers, and I don't see any damage, but maybe I just don't know what to look for.   I sprayed all of the remaining squash and cucumbers with a neem oil and garlic spray mix (dumped both of them into the 3 gallon sprayer and added water).  Hopefully this will help.

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