Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 19th, 2012

Garden Bounty

We have had some bibb lettuce salads, and I picked some more green beans and froze a batch.  Also, Jonas  ate his first item from the Garden.   We gave him some of the peas inside of the last of the snap pea pods, and he liked them.  


The tomato cage is finally up, as you can see from the picture above.   I'm not sure I love the placement, because it is right in front of the garden, but there are not really any other areas that get as much sun as that spot.  I also moved the strawberries inside of the tomato cage.  I'm not sure what has been eating the strawberries, but they have all been eaten so far, which I kind of expected.  If nothing else, it will be interesting to see how they do in the cage.  

The peas are gone, replaced with two types of cucumbers.  Marketmore and Poinsett.   One is more the size of a pickle, and the other looks a lot like the supermarket cucumbers.  They both did really well last year, right around when Jonas was born.   It might be too early for them, but we'll see.

I pulled the first head of garlic, and it looked perfect, according to what I read.  The bulbs have filled in their shells, but have not outgrown them.   I turned off the mini-sprinkler heads in that patch, as you are supposed to not water them for the last few weeks.  I'll probably dig them all out soon.

The sweet potatoes all took, even the ones that did not look so great.   They have all grown some new leaves, and I think I'm going to have to cut back some more kale shortly to give them some room.  

Here are some pictures of the things growing by the side and front of the house.  Everything is doing well at this point.  
Butternut squash
Acorn squash and cantaloupe
Another butternut squash
Pole beans starting to climb up the string.  Summer squash in the middle, and a Dahlia in the front right.  There is also one bean plant and some cucumber plants growing closer to the back fence. 

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