Thursday, June 14, 2012

June 14th, 2012

Garden Bounty
I harvested, blanched, and froze the first round of collard greens.  After picking and washing them, I placed them in boiling water for 3 minutes, then iu an ice bath for another 3 minutes.  I packed them into two freezer bags and put them in the deep freezer. 

Last night I filled up a colander with more green beans. We ate half, and I am going to save the other half in the fridge.  In a few days Ill pick some more and I'll have enough to blanch and freeze.  


The original four tomato plants all have green tomatoes on them now.  The volunteer tomato plant looks a bit sad and might not make it. Around this time last year is when I set up the cage on the side patio and moved the containers.   I decided that this year I am going to lay down some weed blocking fabric underneath the containers and build the cage around where they are now.  It it goes well, next year I'll skip the containers altogether and build a cage around the whole tomato row.     

The peas are just about all dried up at this point.  Last night I picked the last 25 peas, some of which were dried up or diseased.   In the next few days I am going to pull back all of the pea shoots and figure out what to plant in that area next.  I'm thinking that cucumbers might work the best.   

Another view of the backyard

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