Thursday, June 7, 2012

Dahlia update (and other flower updates)

So after all of the Dahlias got eaten as soon as they broke the surface, I waited a week and hoped that some of them would pull through.  Nothing.  After another week I decided to order 4 more online.  Of course between the time I placed the order and the time the order came, all but two of the plants shot up additional shoots.   The Sluggo really worked.   As I read more, I also have leanred that at least with the Dahlias, the slugs are a very common nuisance.  

But that is all in the past now.  I have been adding more sluggo every other week, and the plants are doing great.  Some are about 6 inches, and some are more than a foot tall at this point.  

This weekend I planted the 4 new Dahlias that came, and actually found the 8th from the first group.  Even that one seems to be coming up now.  
The Tithonia and Celosia are both doing really well now.   The Celosia has looked good since it went in the ground, but I am actually kind of suprised that the Tithonia finally took hold.   
Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower)
To close out the post, here are some pictures of the two flower beds in the front of the house.   Hopefully this will serve as some good "before" pictures for comparison once everything starts blooming.

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