Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mid-week update

The spinach started to flower this past weekend (5/19), so we harvested it all at once.   We used half of it for a Chinese stir-fry, and we are going to use the rest tonight or tomorrow.   As of now, this half of the bed is empty. I cut the lettuce and left the roots, because I read that is helps the soil to have them decompose in place, rather than just putting them in the compost bin.  

Here is a shot of the onion/lettuce/pepper patch.  If you look closely, you can see two pepper plants.  The Asian stir-fry mix is growing a lot faster than the Red and Green mix, and is ready to harvest at this point.   We planted another batch of stir-fry mix last week, so this patch should keep producing for quite a while.   The pepper plants are still small now, but as they grow, we'll be pulling all of the onions that are close to the pepper plants.  

The tomato plants are growing pretty quickly now. I've trimmed back the suckers a few times at this point, and I think I'm ready to let them flower.  

The bean patch is finally looking full, which will really help with the leaves.  It has also started to flower, so we should have beans within the next few weeks.  

The collard patch is also filling in really nicely now.   It is ready to harvest now, but there are not enough plants to make a meal out of it yet.  Might wait another week or two to use the first batch of greens.    

The Bibb lettuce is also finally taking off.  We definitely have to start using the lettuce more.

The Kale looks great.  We have used some in a salad, and will definitely use some of this with the collards or maybe freeze it or something.   The sweet potato slips are coming soon, so they are getting close to their expiration date :)

The basil finally looks healthy and green.   The stuff in the pot (with non organic potting soil) still looks better, but I have a feeling this group will be better in a few months. 

The parsley is also finally supporting itself and not flopping over on the dirt every time it gets wet.  

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