Friday, May 18, 2012

It has been a busy week in the garden...

On Wednesday, I skipped dinner and stayed out in the garden for a few hours.    I sowed:

  • Dill and Cilantro into the herb garden
  • Butternut squash along the North Fence.   I'm not sure it will get enough light, as the house is blocking all light except from directly above.  I sowed it in 4 spots, about 6 seeds per spot.  
  • A row of Radishes along the north side of the middle bed
  • Another half-dozen Bush beans to continue to thicken up that patch
  • Another row of the Asian stir fry mix, and another row of the Red and Green lettuce mix.  
On Thursday, I actually spend another whole evening outside.  A few more Dahlia plants broke the surface, making 6 in all.   I am pretty sure it is the squirrels eating the leaves as soon as they come up, but I'm not positive.  To rule out the squirrels, I made cylindrical cages out of 1 inch hex chicken wire and put a cage around each Dahlia.   I really think that is going to work, but I won't rule out the possibility of some other culprit  until I see the plants start to grow.    

While I had the chicken wire out, I noticed that some of the Pole beans and Summer Squash seeds that I sowed 6 days ago were already breaking the surface.   I cut some additional chicken wire and make some makeshift cages to protect them as well.   I am really curious to see if this will work or not.  The good news is that within a week, I should have my answer!  

Hi Emily!

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