Monday, October 15, 2012

Bed #4

The garlic needs to go in within the next two weeks.   Should I pull the sweet potatoes now in order to make room for the garlic?  Or should I hold out on the garlic as longer so that I can give the sweet potatoes more time to fatten up?  

These are questions I don't have to answer anymore :).  This weekend I removed the tomato cage and decided to turn the area into bed #4.    

I'm actually still not 100% sure I will put the garlic in the new bed, but at least I have that option.  I also have some collard greens in those seed starter trays near the bottom left of the picture.   I am going to put those in whatever bed I don't put the garlic in.

It has been a while since I posted this table on the main blog, but here is what is currently still in the garden:

In the main garden:
Asparagus, Marigolds, Sweet potatoes, Radishes, Spinach, Swiss Chard
Peppers: Jalapeno, Picante Chili, Poblano, Anaheim 
Ground covers: Hairy Vetch, Winter Rye, Snap Peas
In containers:Strawberries
In the Herb gardenRosemary, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Oregano, Mint, Basil, Lavender, 
In the frontCelosia, Tithonia, Dahlias

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