So this year, I added the following:
Bed #3 = The longer bed, second from the right
1 bag leaf-gro (a University of Maryland commercial leaf compost product)
1 bag's worth of homemade leaf compost
Bed #4 = The small bed all the way to the right
2 bags leaf-gro (a University of Maryland commercial leaf compost product)
2 bag's worth of homemade leaf compost
Bed #4, which is the newest, definitely needed more help, which is why I added more good stuff to that bed. Between my own leaves and the leaf-gro, I was able to raise the bed about 2 inches off the ground. Not perfect, but it is a start.
I gave bed #3 a few days to relax after adding the new material, and then it was finally time to plant the garlic. Last year I planted the garlic on October 23rd, and this year the plant date was October 26th.
Once the beds were ready, I laid out the garlic (about 65 cloves) and then pushed them all in. I planted roughly:
- 25 cloves of last years crop, called Loiacono, an Artichoke Type softneck garlic.
- 30 cloves of Appalachian Red, a new variety I bought, which is a Rocambole (Hardneck) Garlic
- 12 cloves of some mystery hard neck garlic that Emily's parents brought us last time they came to DC. They got it from a friend, so hopefully I can get the varietal name.
Here are some shots of me in the garden, courtesy of my temporary garden helper/photographer, my mom:
Writing the labels, so I can remember which rows are which. |
Spacing the cloves out evenly |
Pushing them into the ground, about two inches deep (and covering the cloves and patting it down moderately). |