Monday, April 23, 2012

April 23rd, 2012

In the main garden: Garlic, Asparagus, Snow peas, Snap peas, Spinach, Marigolds, Onions, Bush Beans, Radishes, Kale, Collards, Bibb Lettuce, Green and Red lettuce mix, Stir-fry greens mix
In the Herb garden Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Oregano, Mint, Onions, Basil
In the front Pole Beans, Summer Squash, Aster, Celosia, Tithonia
Growing indoors Poblano Peppers, Anaheim Peppers


On Sunday, we picked up some tomatoes, lavender, and marigolds at the farmers market.  It has been raining non-stop for the past two days, but once it stops, we will plant to plant the tomatoes in their containers, the lavender in the herb garden, and the marigolds at the edges of the garden beds.  

Summer squash - After 22 long days, the summer squash finally germinated and broke the surface.   Only one of the 5 or 6 sown seeds, but one is all I need in that spot.   
    Planted outdoors: March 29th
    GerminationApril 20th
    Germination time: 22 days

Pole Beans - Just like the squash, the pole beans directly sown outside in the front of the house finally sprouted.  So far, of the 15-20 beans that were sown, 4 have come up. 
    Planted outdoors: March 29th
    GerminationApril 20th
    Germination time: 22 days

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