Tuesday, April 10, 2012

April 10th, 2012

In the main garden: Garlic, Asparagus, Snow peas, Snap peas, Spinach, Marigolds, Onions, Bush Beans, Radishes, Kale, Collards, Bibb Lettuce, Green and Red lettuce mix, Stir-fry greens mix
In the Herb garden Rosemary, Thyme, Sage, Parsley, Oregano, Mint, Onions
In the front Pole Beans, Summer Squash, Aster, Celosia, Tithonia
Growing indoors Poblano Peppers, Anaheim Peppers, Basil

  • Lettuce Mix and Stir-fry mix - I forgot to add this last week, but this was new on the 1st.  In between the onion rows, we planted two rows of greens.  We picked up these mixes from ACE Hardware last year, and both did really well.   Last year we planted them in two 2' x 4' patches, but this year I thought it would work well in between the rows of onions.  We have 3 rows of onions, which leaves 4 rows for lettuce in between and outside the onion rows.  I only planted two rows (one of each mix) to start.  The lesson we learned from last year was to always leave room for a second planting.  By the time the first planting is wrapping up, the second planting is in full swing.  By the time the second planting is winding down,  the third planting into the original space is almost ready.   If you use all the space at once, it is not always possible to get enough light in between the plants from the first planting.  

  • Planted: April 1st
    Broke Ground: April 9th
    Germination: 8 days

  • Border - I added some scrap mdf and wood to the right of the right bed, to help keep the grass and weeds from encroaching into that bed.  The straw in the paths has been doing a good job so far, but that far right side has been losing ground.  Hopefully this will help.
  • Radishes - One week after sowing, the radishes have broken ground.  They had a really good germination rate.  I sprinkled about 3-5 tiny seeds in each pocket (in between the garlic) and that many came up in most places.  By now, each of the two leaves are about the size of a quarter.   
    Planted: March 26th
    Broke Ground: April 2nd0
    Germination: 7 days
  • Kale - The next day, the Kale started popping up everywhere as well.  I sprinkled the seed by hand, so it has clustered in some areas, but we will thin it out eventually.  Right now, they are tiny. 

    Planted: March 26th
    Broke Ground: April 3nd
    Germination: 8 days

  • Peas - The second planting of peas also broke the surface.   One or two popped up on the 7th, and by last night (the 9th), about 10 of the 40-50 peas I planted can be seen.  One interesting note is that I think one of the snap pea types keeps failing. I am pretty sure it is a the suger snap peas.   The amish snap peas seem to be doing well, as do the snow peas.  Even with all the record keeping I am doing, I keep making the mistake that I will remember where I plant something without labeling it, and every time I don't label, I forget immediately which type is where.   

    Planted: March 26th
    Broke Ground: April 7th
    Germination: 12 days

  • Collards - The transplants seem to be doing well, although they have not started to grow.  Yesterday, some of the seeds that were sowed outdoors finally germinated and broke the surface.

    Planted: March 31st
    Broke Ground: April 9th
    Germination: 9 days

  • Beans - The bush beans, pole beans, and the summer squash have all not yet come up.   It has been 15 days for the bush beans, and 12 days for the pole beans and the squash.  My guess is that the soil temp is just still too cool for them, but I don't know if they will come up, or not.  

    I started to lose faith, so on the 6th, I sowed some bush beans and pole beans indoors.  The bush beans went into jiffy pellets, and the pole beans went into 4 inch containers.   Four days later, 3 of the 7 jiffy pellets are already germinating and pushing up through the surface.    They say it is not recommended to start beans indoors, but it worked just fine last year, so I'm sticking with my backup plan!

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