Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17th, 2012


Basil - Emily transplanted the basil outside last night.  We would have left it inside longer, but some of the leaves had some dark spots on them and it looked like it was spreading.    
    Planted indoors:  March 10th
    Transplanted:  April 16th
    Germination: 3-4 days
    Transplant age: 37 days
Radishes (21 days old) - I finally had time to thin out the radishes.   They are bout 1-2 inches tall now, and they each have two true leaves.   Some bigger than others, as you can see below

Bush Beans (21 days old) - As I mentioned yesterday, the bush beans that were planted in the ground finally came up.  So far, 4 have come up on their own, and we transplanted another 6 last night. 
    Planted outdoors: March 26th
    GerminationApril 14th
    Germination time: 19 days

Peas (First planting 19 days old, second planting 34 days old) - Both plantings of peas are doing great.   The first planting is climbing up the chicken wire, and the second planting is not far behind.   Still very sparse on one side of the second planting, so I might fill that in with the third planting soon. 

Spinach (36 days old) - No real update, but wanted to upload a picture to keep track of the progress

Kale (19 days old)- Same thing with the Kale.  No real update, but they are doing really well

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