Friday, July 6, 2012

It feels like March all over again

In addition to the marigolds, Brussels Sprouts, and Basil that I started a few weeks ago, I decided to sow some more Cilantro, Dill, and Basil.  Also, while it might be too late, I figured it couldn't hurt to sow some more Brussels Sprout seeds in 4 inch containers.   
I also sowed some more bush beans where the Garlic was.  The original patch is still producing beans, but much less than at the peak.   If I time this right, the pole beans in the front of the house will be ready by the time the bush beans are  finished, and then this patch will be ready by the time the pole beans are finished.  Either way, it will be a good experiment to help me plan better for next year.     
 The thing that really made it seem like March is that I put in another seed order.  We ran out of Bibb lettuce seed, so I got the same type (Capitan) and then another type (Speckled Bibb).  The Hairy Vetch and Winter Rye are used as a cover crop in the winter.  The hairy vetch will fix nitrogen into the soil, and the Rye is good for phosphorous and potassium.  According to southern exposure seed exchange, they are a good combo.

Rounding out the order are some more beans and peas that I will sow in the next few months, and a new type of garlic that will go in around October:

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