General Notes
02/19/12 -> Dug a third bed for sweet potatoes05/05/12 -> Transplanted most of the perennials from Em's parents
08/17/12 -> Used the overly wet compost from the tumbler and just lumped it on and around the base of the peppers and the squash plants. hopefully it is not to strong.
10/14/12 -> Dug a fourth bed
11/05/12 -> First night it got down to close to freezing. I don't think it actually froze, but it was close.
11/25/12 -> Moved small rose bush from the back to the corner of the sun room in the front yard
11/25/12 -> Mulched the second batch of leaves with Ken's lawnmower. Worked really well!
11/26/12 -> Hard Freeze; Dahlias and Jalapeno killed
Fruits and Vegetables
03/21/12 -> 2 spears arrived today. One thicker than a pencil. The other about the size of a pencil. Pretty cool.03/22/12 -> About 6 to 8 spears
03/25/12 -> About 10 to 12 spears now. Some bigger than a foot tall
11/25/12 -> Cut down asparagus stalks, spread leaves over base and put ferns over leaves for winter
Brussels Sprouts
06/19/12 -> Sowed in seed starter
06/24/12 -> Seedlings were up when we came home
07/02/12 -> sowed in 4 4 inch containers
Beans, Bush
03/26/12 -> Direct sowed about 12 to 15 beans
04/06/12 -> Sowed seeds in 7 jiffy pellets and 1 4 inch container, all inside
04/11/12 -> The bush beans in the jiffy pellets already broke the surface
04/14/12 -> 3 directly sowed seeds finally germinated and sprouted
04/16/12 -> Transplanted the 6 to 7 jiffy pellet seedlings
05/02/12 -> Plated more Bush beans in the same patch
05/16/12 -> Sowed an additional 6 to 7 beans
05/31/12 -> Picked 1 dozen bush beans
06/14/12 -> picked a colanders worth of beans. ate half and saved half
06/17/12 -> Picked as many beans that were big enough, and blanched and froze a patch
06/30/12 -> picked a double handful of bush beans for the party
07/08/12 -> picked a batch of green beans
07/02/12 -> Sowed about 12 bush beans
08/07/12 -> sowed another 6 blue lake beans. Also, the last batch that was planted is at the right height and flowering. Just waiting on the beans
08/12/12 -> The last batch of blue lake beans sprouted, however one of of the two got eaten
10/15/12 -> Pulled the last of the bush beans.
10/15/12 -> Pulled the last of the bush beans.
Beans, Pole
03/29/12 -> Direct sowed about 25 beans in front of house by front door
04/06/12 -> Sowed 4 seeds in 3 4 inch containers (100% seed starting soil)
04/20/12 -> The ones in the front of the house, directly sown, finally sprouted (2)
05/05/12 -> About 10 of the seedlings from the last sowing came up in the front. Finally. I guess the ground temp was finally warm enough. Of the two that came up the first time, 1 is about 5 inches, and doing well. The other got mostly eaten up.
05/12/12 -> Planted another round of 10 to 15 pole beans
05/17/12 -> 5 of them 12 Pole beans have germinated
05/20/12 -> eaten again
05/24/12 -> Sowed 15 deans purple beans
05/28/12 -> germinated
06/27/12 -> are about 4 to 5 feet tall at this point. no pods yet
10/05/12 -> Took the last of the pole beans down in the front. Enough to pick off of, but never enough for a meal
10/05/12 -> Took the last of the pole beans down in the front. Enough to pick off of, but never enough for a meal
02/13/12 -> Sowed into 20 Jiffy Pellets, 3 to 4 seeds per pellet. Plant outdoors in 6 to 8 weeks
02/15/12 -> 2 or 3 seeds starting to sprout. Added a little more water
02/16/12 -> Moved tray downstairs, 5+ pellets are crowing
02/19/12 -> 50% germination rate so far, 3/4 the way up to the plastic
02/21/12 -> Took plastic off. About 40% of the pods germinated. Some pods had 3 to 4 seedlings, so I moved them around. Now have about 70% pods with seedlings
02/22/12 -> Switched to florescent light
02/24/12 -> About 3 inches up. Had to move light up more. 16 out of 20 pellets are going now. One more just starting. I wonder if the rest will come
02/26/12 -> second set of leaves coming up on a bunch of them. First true leaves i think
02/27/12 -> snipped some of the tall lanky seedlings where there was a smaller stubbier one in the same pellet
03/02/12 -> About half of the seedlings have first set true leaves
03/10/12 -> They look pretty good, but the first "fake" leaves are turning yellow on a bunch of them. I think that this might be normal
03/11/12 -> Potted up 4 collards to 4 inch pots
03/26/12 -> Started to harden plants out side.
03/31/12 -> Transplanted 19 collard plants. Broadcast some new collard seeds in the same bed.
04/09/12 -> Seedlings have broken the surface. Sowed 5 seeds per pellet because the seeds were from last year. wanted to be sure. Probably overkill.
05/06/12 -> Spaced out some collard seedlings that were growing too close to the transplanted ones.
06/11/12 -> harvested first BIG batch of collards. Blanched and froze them
07/03/12 -> Emily picked a whole bunch of collards for dinner
07/23/12 -> harvested some collards for dinner
08/12/12 -> harvested a really big batch of the collard greens. they were getting more and more damaged by the harlequin bug
09/08/12 -> Sowed all 4 in seed trays and wrapped in a white garbage bag to help it germinate. hopefully it works.
09/09/12 -> Pulled collards. Just too many harlequin bugs.
10/28/12 -> transplanted collards and watercress in the newest bed. I think it is way too late, but we'll see.
Cover Crops
09/09/12 -> sowed #hairy vetch, #winter rye, and #peas in the collard patch
09/13/12 -> sowed another patch of #winter rye and #hairy vetch in place of the collards
10/28/12 -> sowed a cover crop mix of #winter rye, #hairy vetch, #peas at the end of the garlic bed, and over the fall collard/watercress bed
11/10/12 -> The last planing of cover crops finally broke the surface and is about 1 inch tall.
05/24/12 -> Sowed 15 marketmore and 15 poinset
05/28/12 -> germinated
06/17/12 -> direct sowed about 15 seeds each of marketmore and poinsett where the peas were. There are about 2 or 3 cucumbers left in the front of the 20+ that started.
08/07/12 -> Sprayed with garlic spray and neem oil to combat the white flies and squash vine borers.
08/12/12 -> noticed first 3 pickle sized cucumbers
08/14/12 -> picked the first cucumber today. Tasted great.
08/27/12 -> picked another 3 cucumbers in the last few days. About 5 of them are ready to be picked now
09/22/12 -> pulled the cucumbers. The only ones that were left were yellowish or really pale.
03/10/12 -> Removed leaves from the garlic and they look fantastic. About 12 to 15 inches high maybe and really healthy looking. Something like 30 heads
03/17/12 -> I think they have grown to about 18 inches now.
06/16/12 -> Pulled a head of garlic and it looks good. Drying it in the shed, and turned off sprayers in garlic patch
06/25/12 -> harvested 34 heads of garlic
07/06/12 -> Braided the garlic
10/28/12 -> Sowed about 65 heads of garlic
11/25/12 -> Mulched garlic with shredded leaves
03/26/12 -> Sowed kale
04/03/12 -> First sign of seedlings. Lots of them!
07/02/12 -> Emily picked a bunch more kale for dinner
07/22/12 -> Harvested all leaves (whiteflys)
08/07/12 -> Sprayed with garlic spray and neem oil to combat the white flies and squash vine borers.
09/09/12 -> pulled the kale. Not sure if it was one of my sprays or not, but the new leaves were "burned" at the tips. not sure what caused it. but it didnt look good.
Lettuce, Asian Stir-fry Mix
04/01/12 -> Direct sowed one row in the onions and peppers bed
04/09/12 -> Seedlings broke the surface
05/16/12 -> Sowed in onion bed
07/08/12 -> picked the second cutting from the original planting. Enough for 4 people
Lettuce, Bibb
03/03/12 -> Sowed indoors (10 pods)
03/09/12 -> Three pods have seedlines. Very spindley. Moved downstairs and put under lights. Sow indoors 6 to 8 weeks before last frost
03/16/12 -> Maybe about 6 pods have germinated at this point
04/01/12 -> Transplanted 7 bib lettuce seedlings. Broadcast additional seed around transplants
05/02/12 -> Sowed a bunch of new seed in the same patch. The stuff that was broadcast when the transplants went in is about 1 inch tall now and looking good.
06/13/12 -> There is tons of bibb lettuce. We can't keep up!
06/16/12 -> picked some more
08/17/12 -> sowed a bunch of bibb lettuce in the herb garden
Lettuce, Red and Green Mix
04/01/12 -> Direct sowed one row in the onions and peppers bed
04/09/12 -> Seedlings broke the surface
05/16/12 -> Sowed in onion bed
03/18/12 -> Direct sowed 80 sets of onions. About 30 in the herb garden, and 50 where the peppers and lettuce will be
03/22/12 -> Already breaking the surface
03/25/12 -> About 40 already above surface (1 inch)
05/15/12 -> Harvested first set of onions
07/12/12 -> Pulled the rest of the onions (70 in all)
07/12/12 -> Pulled the rest of the onions (70 in all)
03/11/12 -> Direct sowed outside. Planted all three types of peas, 1 inch apart, 1/2 to 1 inch deep. Might have been a little tight, but we will see.
03/19/12 -> A few seedlings have broken the surface outside
03/26/12 -> Second sowing of peas
04/07/12 -> Some peas from second direct sowing have broken surface
04/08/12 -> Some peas from first sowing are 6 inches tall. Installed chicken wire and steaks to help them climb
04/09/12 -> A bunch more peas from second sowing popped up. 20 to 30 of each
04/30/12 -> Direct sowed about 50 more peas
05/13/12 -> First peas have started!!! Maybe about 10 or so. Looks like it is mostly snap peas. Not sure.
05/31/12 -> picked 20+ peas
06/13/12 -> picked last of the peas.
06/16/12 -> Pulled down the peas
08/17/12 -> sowed a bunch of peas by bed against the back of the house.
09/26/12 -> sowed about 30 peas into the collards patch. There are already about 15 pea shoots in the patch, about 3 inches tall
03/10/12 -> Sowed indoors
03/13/12 -> the basil germinated, so moved downstairs under lights
03/19/12 -> Three seeds finally germinated and broke the surface
03/20/12 -> one seedling from the second type of peppers, I think poblano
05/13/12 -> Transplanted 12 pepper plants into lettuce patch and onion patch
06/04/12 -> Planted another 4 peppers into the side bed, just to see how they would do
08/06/12 -> picked the second Anaheim pepper, way more spicy than I thought it would be. There are about 10 Anaheim peppers ready to be picked at this point. I think they are just now starting to turn redder and maybe getting quite a bit hot. One plant has 5 to 6 peppers, while most of the others have 1 to 3
10/11/12 -> Hot pepper harvest, 14 poblano, 30 Anaheim
11/05/12 -> harvested about 50 peppers
11/10/12 -> Took down the pepper plants besides the jalapeno.
11/26/12 -> Jalapeno killed by hard freeze
03/26/12 -> Planted about 20 radishes in the garlic patch
04/02/12 -> First sign of seedlings.
04/16/12 -> Trimmed radishes to 1 per spot
04/24/12 -> Directly sowed radishes around bean plants to help block out weeds
05/01/12 -> The second planting by the beans has broken the surface
05/16/12 -> Sowed on north side of middle bed in single line
06/27/12 -> Pulled all radishes. They all bolted
06/27/12 -> Pulled all radishes. They all bolted
08/17/12 -> sowed a bunch or RED radishes in the herb garden
08/19/12 -> already started to sprout
09/20/12 -> ate first RED radish (double the size of a marble). Still very spicy! Not like in a salad. Not as spicy as the white radish tough!
09/20/12 -> sowed some additional seeds outdoors.
03/03/12 -> Sowed indoors (15 pods)
03/09/12 -> No seedlings, but moved under lights
03/11/12 -> Direct sowed outside (About 30 seeds)
03/13/12 -> put about 15 seeds in slightly wet paper towel and inside a plastic bag.
03/16/12 -> About 5 of the 20 seeds germinated, and I planted them outside in the bed. Not sure if that is too much of a transition for them
03/17/12 -> 2 peat pods germinated and you can see the green
03/18/12 -> About 3 more seeds in the paper towel germinated, and this time I put them in some of the peat pellets that were not working. A few more actually had some germinated seeds in them, so they should break the surface soon
03/19/12 -> A few seedlings have broken the surface outside
03/26/12 -> Started to harden plants out side.
05/06/12 -> Spaced out by moving spinach plants that were too close together.
09/08/12 -> Sowed all 4 in seed trays and wrapped in a white garbage bag to help it germinate. hopefully it works.
09/19/12 -> germinated some seeds indoors
09/23/12 -> sowed the first 15 seeds that had germinated inside on the paper towel
09/26/12 -> I *think* i saw one of the seeds sowed on the 23rd germinate
09/26/12 -> sowed another 15 seeds that had germinated.
10/07/12 -> first true leaves on first planting of spinach
11/14/12 -> The spinach is getting close to baby spinach leaf size, but only 3 of the 10+ plants took off. Not going to be what I hoped for.
Squash, Summer
03/29/12 -> Direct sowed 6 seeds in a small mound by front door
04/20/12 -> 1 seed sprouted
05/02/12 -> Transplanted some crookneck summer squash in the front.
05/06/12 -> Three of the straight neck seedlings that i planted last week sprouted
05/12/12 -> Sowed another round in front of house
05/17/12 -> 5/12 summer squash germinated
05/20/12 -> eaten again
05/24/12 -> Sowed another 10 seeds
05/29/12 -> Germinated
07/04/12 -> the summer squash is flowering now, but no little squashes yet
08/07/12 -> Sprayed with garlic spray and neem oil to combat the white flies and squash vine borers.
10/15/12 -> The second plant also got cut by vine borers.
10/15/12 -> The second plant also got cut by vine borers.
Squash, Winter
08/07/12 -> Sprayed with garlic spray and neem oil to combat the white flies and squash vine borers.
05/16/12 -> Sowed outdoors in 4 places along fence.
05/23/12 -> Noticed the winter squash coming up in 2 of the 4 spots I planted it
08/06/12 -> The biggest butternut is the size of a quart Gatorade bottle. The second biggest (on the same stem) got to the size of half of a fist, but it is starting to shrivel up and die for some reason.
09/16/12 -> harvested the last 3 butternuts squashes
09/24/12 -> harvested the two acorn squashes
09/24/12 -> harvested the two acorn squashes
Sweet Potatoes
05/31/12 -> Slips arrived today. Transplanted 11 slips. Heel'd another 6 or 7
06/17/12 -> Have definitely taken. New leaves on all slips and they are doing well.
09/24/12 -> turned off sprinkler heads. I read that you are supposed to not water for the last 3 to 4 weeks to prevent splitting
09/26/12 -> pulled one of the sweet potato tubers. It was the size of a fingerling potato.
10/26/12 -> Harvested all of the sweet potatoes. About 3 giant ones, about 12 medium ones, and about 15 smaller guys.
08/12/12 -> harvested another big batch of sweet potato leaves. used half in a stir fry, and froze half
10/04/12 -> pulled another sweet potato from the bed, this one normal sweet potato size.
10/28/12 -> Harvested the sweet potatoes.
10/28/12 -> Harvested the sweet potatoes.
Swiss Chard
09/08/12 -> Sowed all 4 in seed trays and wrapped in a white garbage bag to help it germinate. hopefully it works.
10/10/12 -> transplanted Swiss chard into garden. Sow indoors before last frost; Cover seed with thin layer of planting medium
11/14/12 -> The Swiss chard keeps getting eaten. Funny how that never happened during the spring.
04/24/12 -> Transplanted Patio, Mortgage lifter, and super 100 tomatoes in containers
04/30/12 -> Planted the Better boy in the small green pot with top soil, hummus, and organic garden soil. I hope the manure does not burn the plant. We'll see.
05/31/12 -> Found a tomato growing within the peas. Transplanted it to a thin black plastic pot from em's parents. Should be a fun experiment
06/10/12 -> all four plants have green tomatoes on them
06/17/12 -> Built tomato cage (still need to finish door). Still no red tomatoes, but it shouldn't be long
07/14/12 -> ate first tomatoes, about 5 all in all. 3 mortgage lifters, 1 patio and 2 better boy
07/17/12 -> harvested another few mortgage lifters
07/20/12 -> harvested a bunch of patio's. took some camping, and used some in a soup
08/05/12 -> In the last week, we had about 40+ cherry tomatoes ripen. Definitely the peak
08/21/12 -> picked and ate three more mortgage lifters. They were really good. one more left
10/14/12 -> took down tomato plants, and removed the tomato cage. Got about 7 green tomatoes
02/25/12 -> Sowed indoors in large jiffy and hoffmans mix; covered, Sow 6 to 8 weeks indoors before last frost. Cover seed with thin layer of planting medium, Transplant hardened off seedlings in garden when danger of frost has passed, Can sow directly into garden after frost, Spacing 12 to 15 inches, 10 to 14 day germination
02/29/12 -> One pod germinated
03/01/12 -> About 6 or so seedlings have sprouted
03/26/12 -> Started to harden plants out side.
04/24/12 -> Directly sowed about 20 aster seeds in the flower bed
09/24/12 -> Pulled the last of the aster from the front bed
09/24/12 -> Pulled the last of the aster from the front bed
02/25/12 -> Sowed indoors in large jiffy and hoffmans mix, on top of mix
02/29/12 -> A bunch of these guys germinated. Sow indoors 5 to 6 weeks before last frost, Direct sow outdoors after last frost, Needs light to germinate, Germination: 14 days, Scatter evenly over surface. Keep moist and covered in plastic until germination, Transplant hardened off seedlings in garden when danger of frost has passed
03/01/12 -> Many pods germinated, multiple seedlings in each pod. About 1/2 inch tall
03/26/12 -> Started to harden plants out side.
05/17/12 -> 6 plants are up, but they were getting eaten by squirrels. Created mesh cages around them.
06/03/12 -> Found one more Dahlia from the initial group that broke the surface. Added sluggo and within 2 days I see new little leaves growing from the part that got eaten.
06/03/12 -> Planted the 4 new dahlias
09/20/12 -> pruned the middle of some dahlias. I read that it helps support bushier growth.
11/26/12 -> killed by hard freeze
03/11/12 -> Direct sowed outside making a border around garden beds
06/19/12 -> Sowed in seed starter
06/24/12 -> Seedlings were up when we came home
10/15/12 -> Pulled the marigold bush that was left in the main garden
10/15/12 -> Pulled the marigold bush that was left in the main garden
02/25/12 -> Sowed indoors in large jiffy and hoffmans mix, on top of mix
02/29/12 -> Nothing (second from left)
04/24/12 -> Directly broadcast nicotinia in the middle of the flower bed
02/25/12 -> Sowed indoors in large jiffy and hoffmans mix covered
02/29/12 -> One pod germinated
03/01/12 -> About 6 of the 18 pods have one seedling
03/05/12 -> One or two has first set of true leaves
03/18/12 -> One of the tithonia seedlings has some damping off the leaves.
03/26/12 -> Started to harden plants out side.
04/24/12 -> Directly sowed about 15 tithonia seeds in new flower bed
03/10/12 -> Sowed indoors
03/13/12 -> few pods have germinated. Moved tray downstairs
04/16/12 -> Transplanted basil into herb garden, and a pot
06/19/12 -> Sowed in seed starter
06/24/12 -> Seedlings were up when we came home
07/02/12 -> sowed basil in seed starter
08/07/12 -> transplanted 5 basil seedlings into herb garden
11/14/12 -> Pulled the last of the basil. Got all splotchy with brown spots...
05/16/12 -> Sowed in two places in herb garden
07/02/12 -> sowed in seed starter
05/16/12 -> Sowed in one long strip on north side of herb garden
07/02/12 -> sowed in herb garden and also in seed starter
04/24/12 -> Transplanted two lavender plants from farmers market into herb garden
06/17/12 -> Cut down a bunch of mint and dried it
02/13/12 -> Sowed into 5 Jiffy Pellets, 5 seeds per pellet, Plant outdoors in 8 to 10 weeks
02/16/12 -> Moved tray downstairs, Some pellets are growing
02/24/12 -> 2 seeds germinated! maybe one more. Sowed 5 seeds per pellet because the seeds were from last year. wanted to be sure. Probably overkill.
02/27/12 -> Third parsley came up
03/04/12 -> 2 or 3 seedlings have their first set of true leaves
03/11/12 ->Potted up two parsley's to 4 inch pots
03/26/12 -> Started to harden plants out side.
03/31/12 -> Transplanted 5 plants into back of herb garden
09/08/12 -> Sowed all 4 in seed trays and wrapped in a white garbage bag to help it germinate. hopefully it works.
10/28/12 -> transplanted collards and watercress in the newest bed. I think it is way too late, but we'll see.
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